Dental Specialists MK(Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire)



Milton Keyes in Buckinghamshire is the location of this clinic where the team is committed to create beautiful and healthy smiles for patients. Preventive dentistry is the focus of the team and all oral and dental health issues are addressed before performing other procedures. Referrals are accepted for specialist and complex treatments from general dental practitioners. Services at the clinic include examinations and hygiene services, oral surgery, bone and gum surgery, emergency dentistry, implant dentistry, orthodontics including adult orthodontics and sedation dentistry.

. GDC - General Dental Council (UK). ADI - Association of Dental Implantology (UK). BES - British Endodontic Society (Northern Ireland). BOS - British Orthodontic Society (UK). BSP - British Society of Periodontology (UK). AAO - American Association of Orthodontists (US). AAP - American Academy of Periodontology (US). ACP - American College of Prosthodontists (US).


MK2 2EH Milton Keynes, 259 Queensway Bletchley

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