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Harley Street Addiction Specialists

Harley Street Addiction Specialists(London)




Opening hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday Closed




Treatment for Addiction

No matter how hopeless you might feel, there is finally a way to end your struggle with addiction.

Addiction Specialist

Remember, that no matter how many times you have tried to conquer your addiction and failed, it does not mean that you cannot succeed!

You do not have to lose everything –

career, family, friends, and freedom.

You do not have to hit rock bottom.

Now is the time to break free.


You can and will recover!  You will free yourself from your addiction. You will regain control

Stuart Downing – Addiction Specialist

Based in Harley Street London I have clients from London, Greater London and the Home Counties.

I am an International Integrative Addiction Specialist, using rapid alleviation techniques. I will ensure you achieve rapid change, allowing you to escape from your addictive behaviours. My work with addiction has shown truly miraculous results.

I am completely client-focused, enabling me to utilise any combination of biofeedback tools.  These liberating intervention techniques include neuroscience/neurobiology change, energy intuition healing, hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

How does it work?

Until recently, very little was known about how the brain can turn off the desire for addictions and how the subconscious mind can stop addictive urges.  It is time to look at the science of how the brain works, how the subconscious mind controls our life and how to change it for good.

How can the change happen so quickly? 


We know that the brain is constantly changing. The neuroplasticity of the brain allows focused treatment to create new neural connections. Without treatment the brain uses neural pathways to trigger emotions, needs, pleasure and cravings, which feed the addiction.  Treatment changes those responses by rewiring of the neural pathways and the subconscious mind, thereby bringing an entirely different reaction.

Consequently, when exposed to any of the old triggers, the brain doesn’t automatically respond in the old way because it now responds in a stronger and healthier manner. The very thing that used to cause cravings and relapse, now actually reinforces the commitment to overcome the addictive behaviour.

Based on what we now know about the brain, the neuroplasticity and the biology of belief, you can begin to approach addiction and recovery from a new perspective. Using newly discovered and clinically accepted methodologies, the mind and behaviour modification techniques work to retrain and recondition at the core unconscious level. The brain is actually a supple, malleable organas ready to unlearn as it is to learncapable of transforming vicious circles into virtuous circles of resetting and repairing its internal communications.  Far more than once dreamed possible, the brain can, if not always, cure/heal itself.

Given recent research, breakthroughs and insight, it makes no sense that the most widely used method to treat addiction is over 50 years oldWould you go to heart doctor who uses 1950’s technology?

It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!

 It makes no sense!


You could choose to pay for the most expensive rehab available but you will not succeed without using self control and willpower.   Why saturate your mind with a belief about the fear, the failure, the expectation of relapse, “always an addict” etc ..

Neuro-Restructuring Techniques work!  I have the correct tools and methods to stop the addictive patterns in the brain and the body. These tools and processes are proven, researched and powerful.



Given the correct tools, you can easily and effortlessly change the way the brain responds to the old addiction triggers that cause addictive behaviours and actions.  There has never been a better time than NOW to treat your addiction.

. You can access us by public transport. There is a patients bathroom. You can have free, wireless internet access while you are waiting. APHP - The Association For Professional Hypnosis And Psychotherapy (UK).
