Asklepion Praha(Prague, Czech Republic)




Opening hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday Closed


Asklepion is a network of aesthetic medicine centres comprising all the fields relating to aesthetic medicine. These include, dermatolology, plastic surgery, stomatology, anti-aging medicines, vascular surgery, obesitology, ENT, cosmetology and others. The Asklepion headquarters in Prague is the largest facility of its kind in Europe, the branch in Karlovy Vary the largest facility of its kind in the spa centres and the branch in Mariánské Lázně, the most recently established of the centres, is developing from year to year. Development of the centres to their current status is given by interest on the part of the clients for their services. For example, over 500,000 satisfied clients have been treated in Prague from 1996 until the present. Our clients come from all age and social groups, from the Czech Republic and also from abroad. Thanks to the fact that Asklepion was established ten years ago in 1996 as a laser centre for aesthetic medicine, a field in which it is without a doubt still the leader in the Czech Republic, the company is always a step ahead in the utilisation of lasers in all of the above-mentioned fields compared to all other centres operated by the competition. Another advantage of Asklepion is that it offers clients a complex overview of their problem or wish. Thanks to the different fields, which are literally concentrated under one roof, the company has the opportunity to provide some coherence to the problem and this to often no only solve the consequence, but above all the cause of the problem. This is one of the conditions of good health. There are parking opportunities around the facility. ESPRAS - European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (International). IPRAS - International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (International).
