Drysdale OsteopathyAcupuncteur (Glasgow, Renfrewshire)




Heures d'ouverture

Lundi Fermé
Mardi 14:00 - 21:00
Mercredi 09:00 - 21:00
Jeudi 14:00 - 21:00
Vendredi 09:00 - 18:00
Samedi 09:00 - 18:00
Dimanche Fermé

La description

David Drysdale hasworked as an

Osteopath in the WestEnd of Glasgow

since 1996. Davidcombines a wide

range of techniques,ranging from

OsteopathicManipulation, Massage,

Trigger Point Therapy,Cranio-

Sacral Therapy,Nutrition and


Treatments are tailoredfor People. It is

understood that somepeople simply

do not like osteopathicmanipulation,

while others like DeepTissue

Massage, or benefitfrom Cranio-

Sacral Therapy.

There are differentways of treating

people who are in pain,and providing

the treatment thatworks for you is very


Osteopathy is wellknown for treating

Headaches, Neck &Back Pain, but

many other conditionssuch as

migraines, frozen shoulderand

arthritis can allrespond well to good

Osteopathic treatment.

There are differenttypes of Back


These range frommuscular stiffness,

bony/mechanical pain,deep muscle

spasm where anylaughing or

coughing is verypainful, to tooth ache/

nerve type pain that isintolerable.

Some times on wakeningthe back is

incredibly stiff,conversely it may feel

rested and pain free.

Back pain can ease orworsen through

the day. It may bebetter or worse for


It may only hurt whenstanding or it

may be pain free whenstanding.

There are differentcauses for a

Sore Back.

Different tissues willbe affected in

each individual case.It is important to

identify the affectedtissues, so the

correct treatment canbe given.

The idea that SpinalManipulation is a

“Cure All” for backpain is incorrect,

and on some occasionsit can actually

make the conditionworse.

The area that the backpain is

experienced is notalways where the

problem lies.

For example low backpain may have

its source in thethoracic area.

It is vital that allareas are examined

when you have a soreback, and the

affected tissuesidentified, and

correctly treated.

Once the likely factorsbehind the

back pain areidentified, Osteopathic

treatment may help easethe pain,

then good advice onexercise, diet,

seating, posture, bedsand lifting can

go a long way inhelping to prevent it\'s


. The following parking opportunity are available: Metered 20p for 30 minutes -20p per 10 mins after. You can access us by public transport. There is a patients bathroom. You can have free, wireless internet access while you are waiting. BMAS - British Medical Acupuncture Society (UK). GOsC - General Osteopathic Council (UK). BOA - British Orthopaedic Association (Northern Ireland).


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