Dra. Rosana RozicDentista (Buenos Aires, Capital Federal)



Dr. Rosana Rozic, odontologist, proposes an original choice: to combine a dental treatment with tourism. Get a high quality specialized dental treatment, directed at your welfare, esthetics, functioning and durability; complementing it with tourism rides around our country. You will be able to visit the varied natural landscapes, the regional habits and the vast cultural offer, between dental appointments. You can choose the places you are interested to visit, and the trips shall be organized according to the appointments arranged with the dentist. In case you need implants or any other surgery, it is advisable to stay between 24 to 48 hours (initial cicatrization period) in the city you are being treated, in order to have an immediate control. If you are in Buenos Aires city, you may enjoy the vast activities it offers. If the treatment to be done is a prothesis, you will be able to take long trips wherever you choose, as the work requires specific time to be manufactured. If the option is teeth whitening, the necessary stay may be from one to three days, depending on the appointments you need.

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