FehérdentDentista, ... (Szeged)

Você só tem que pagar quando você vai para a sua consulta
É garantida que esperam por você na sua consulta
Sua nomeação for confirmada diretamente pelo Fehérdent


Horário de funcionamento

Segunda-feira 14:00 - 19:00
Terça 08:00 - 13:00
Quarta-feira 14:00 - 19:00
Quinta-feira 08:00 - 13:00
Sexta-feira Fechado
Sábado Fechado
Domingo Fechado

a partir de 109 EUR

a partir de 12 EUR

a partir de 140 EUR

a partir de 20 EUR

a partir de 9 EUR

a partir de 37 EUR

a partir de 11 EUR

a partir de 50 EUR

a partir de 23 EUR

a partir de 23 EUR

a partir de 143 EUR

a partir de 146 EUR

a partir de 22 EUR

a partir de 50 EUR

a partir de 22 EUR

a partir de 12 EUR

a partir de 68 EUR

a partir de 59 EUR

a partir de 19 EUR

a partir de 72 EUR

a partir de 22 EUR

a partir de 140 EUR

a partir de 233 EUR

a partir de 62 EUR

a partir de 31 EUR

a partir de 3 EUR

a partir de 31 EUR

a partir de 11 EUR


When creating a friendly, peaceful environment at our clinic equipped with state-of-the-art dental machines and instruments, we aimed at providing a safe atmosphere for our patients.

Forget about crowded waiting rooms, long hours of waiting, impersonal treatment. Our private clinic offers professional personalised services for you.

Our staff is committed to giving adequate and clear information, caring for your needs and convenience, as well as maintaining high professional standards.

Wide range of treatments
Professional services at Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic

Besides providing pain and stress-free dental treatments, dental clinics are expected to be well-equipped, relaxing and cosy. Patients expect high professional standards, respectful manners, the best solution to their problems and clear information about treatments.

Dental treatments in Szeged
Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic meets all expectations, which is also reflected by the entries in the Visitors’ Book of the clinic. Our patients trust our dentists, who have high professional standards, nice manners and a patient-centred attitude. 20 years of experience, modern equipment and high quality materials have all contributed to the good reputation and popularity of the clinic.

Complex services at the same clinic
Our clinic offers a wide range of services: treatments for children, orthodontic treatment, tooth replacement, tooth whitening, scaling, cosmetic treatments, oral surgical interventions, implant placement. Fehér Dent Aesthetic Dental Clinic is unique to provide biological dental treatments with metal-free solutions. We also offer invisible orthodontic treatment for those who would like to smile bravely with braces in their mouth.

No more painful treatment
Pain relief during dental treatment is essential. Our dentists apply the latest approaches to pain relief. We also offer sedation (sleep) dentistry to reduce your fear of dental treatments. Sedation dentistry allows us to perform all kinds of dental treatment. Providing guarantee for fixed dental prostheses is a novelty service at the clinic and the dental laboratory, and it shows the high quality of materials used for your treatment.


6726 Szeged, Fülemüle utca 22

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