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Scalp Micropigmentation Clinic - HeadPower

Scalp Micropigmentation Clinic - HeadPower(Hamilton CA, ON)




Horário de funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Terça 09:00 - 17:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 17:00
Sábado 09:00 - 17:00
Domingo Fechado


What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

The process of SMP involves analyzing a clients existing hair color, shape and growth pattern. A skilled technician will then use a tiny needle to embed matching ink into the scalp so that an entire head looks like it has an all around buzz cut. It won\'t looks like he\'s going bald anymore, instead it will seem as though you have chosen to wear your hair short.

What other names does Scalp Micropigmentation go by?

SMP is also known as a Scalp Tattoo, Hair Tattoo, 3D Scalp Micropigmentation, HD SMP, SMP, Tricopigmentation, hair replication and balding tattoo. Irregardless of the name, the treatment is the same and the proper application calls for a substantial degree of experience and skill.

How Can Scalp Micropigmentation Help Me?

Male Pattern Baldness can be to effectively treated with SMP, and clients who have undergone the procedure look like they have a buzz cut instead of how they looked when they were bald. View some of the results here:
Hair Thinning can easily be solved using HD SMP. It\'s the best option for thinning hair on the planet. Matching color pigment is embedded into the scalp in the same pattern as your existing hair growth, focusing on the thinning areas. Similar to permanent eyebrows, the procedure will create the illusion of a thicker full head of hair.
Hair Transplant Scars can be camouflaged using Scalp micropigmentation. Experienced technicians will analyze your hair color, shape, and growth pattern then embed matching pigment into the scar so that it blends seamlessly with the rest of your hair. Scars can be concealed in as little as 1 treatment.
What alternative treatments are there to Scalp Micropigmentation?
SMP really is the best option for hair loss. It\'s permanent, non-invasive and affordable. If done properly looks 100% real and once you\'ve had the procedure done you will soon forget how it felt when you were bald. Some other alternatives to getting a hair tattoo fall into the following two categories:
Non-surgical - Wigs, Rogaine, Monoxidil and Low Level Laser therapySurgical – Hair Transplants, FUE.

How can I get Trained and learn Scalp Micropigmentation?
SMP Training is offered by HeadPower Hair Clinic. They provide a classroom training environment or convenient one-on-one training allowing students to learn the art and science of Scalp micropigmentation to either become an entrepreneur and start their own business, or to work for an established SMP clinic.
Can I start my own Scalp Micro-pigmentaton Clinic?
Yes you can. After successfully completing the HeadPower SMP Training program you will have the certification and confidence necessary to begin taking on clients from day one. 
Who is the best clinic for Scalp Micropigmentation in Canada?
Although there are many choices to consider, HeadPower Hair Clinic in Toronto is consistently rated the best in service, quality and experience. 
Who is the best clinic for Scalp Micropigmentation in United States?
Since the process of SMP can be completed in as little as 2 sessions and last a lifetime, it\'s better to get the treatment done at place that is known for consistently turning out world class results. HeadPower constantly ranks highest in Scalp micropigmentation by industry peers and conveniently offer travel destination packages to Toronto for clients located in the United States and abroad.

How can I contact a Scalp Micropigmentation expert?
You can call HeadPower Hair Clinic: 1-888-977-6275. We\'re available now to answer any questions and to help you book your free consultation.


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