
High quality acupuncture treatments is offered by this acupuncturist who has over 7 years of experience in helping patients overcome a range of adverse health conditions. The location of the clinic is at Hove in East Sussex. Patients of all ages are treated at the clinic. An initial consultation lasting 90 minutes is scheduled to assess the needs of patients before treatments begin. Conditions treated include acute and chronic back pain, allergies, depression and anxiety, headaches and migraines, infertility, digestive disorders, pregnancy related pain, respiratory disorders, urinary incontinence, tennis elbow, vertigo, facial pain, thyroid disease, sciatica, obesity and cancer.

. The following parking opportunity are available: Free in local residential streets. Public transport access - on bus routes1. 6 and 6A. 7 mins from Portslade train station. There is a patients bathroom. BAcC - British Acupuncture Council (Northern Ireland).

