


Часы работы

Понедельник 17:30 - 22:30
Вторник 09:00 - 22:00
Среда 09:00 - 21:00
Четверг Закрыто
Пятница Закрыто
Суббота 09:30 - 17:00
Воскресенье Закрыто


The Head Clinic was formed originally to provide treatment for migraine sufferers as this is a particular interest to Chris.

Muscle Relaxants for migraine was originally discovered to be helpful by clients having cosmetic treatment and discovering their headaches improved after treatment. 


The Head Clinics ethos regarding cosmetic enhancement is a conservative approach . We are happy to offer advice and treatment for areas that clients are unhappy with. We are ethical in our approach and will not encourage treatment where we feel it is not needed. We may also decline to do certain procedures if we feel that the request is potentially harmful mentally or physically to the client. 


We offer free consultation and information evenings so that clients are fully aware of what cosmetic enhancement can do, what its limitations are, and of course the risks involved. Before any treatment is commenced the client will receive full information and a consent form will be signed. 

